
IATSE National Benefit Funds Secure Portal

Health and Welfare Summary Eligibility
Polar Design created a uniquely designed public information site and secure participant portal for the IATSE National Benefit Funds.  This multi-year project is the largest secure web portal to date planned and executed by Polar Design.  It features extensive functionality, integratio
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AIM Mutual Insurance Broker Portal

Workers Compensation Insurance Broker Dashboard
AIM Mutual Insurance needed a way to reduce hundreds of thousands of dollars in printing and postage costs keeping its broker network informed with regularly distributed (mailed) loss-run, injury and other reports related to workers comp. Leveraging the experience and technology that
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IUOE 478 Benefit Funds Member Portal

IUOE 478 Taft-Hartley Participant Member Dashboard
The International Union of Operating Engineers chose Polar Design in 2009 to develop one of our most ambitious secure member benefit portals at that time that not only provided health eligibility, pension and annuity information, but also integrated with the fund’s training and
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Mass. Laborers Benefit Fund Secure Member Portal

Mass Laborers Benefit Portal Dashboard
Polar Design developed a public and secure member-only web site for the Massachusetts Laborers Benefit Funds that offers fund participants  quick access to their most important benefits information, from healthcare eligibility and claims to accrued pension and annuity account balances
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